27 Days
26 Nights
Trekking and Rafting Tour


  • Embark on one of the world’s most challenging treks through the remote wilderness of Bhutan’s Himalayas
  • Cross high-altitude passes, including the legendary 16,000 ft Laya Pass
  • Trek through pristine alpine valleys and ancient forests, encountering rare wildlife such as snow leopards and Himalayan blue sheep
  • Visit remote villages and nomadic settlements, experiencing traditional Bhutanese culture and hospitality
  • Witness breathtaking views of the highest peaks in Bhutan, including Gangkhar Puensum, the world’s highest unclimbed mountain

Difficulty: Strenuous

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival in Paro

  • Arrival at Paro International Airport.
  • Welcome by our representative and transfer to your hotel.
  • Check-in and rest after your journey.
  • Briefing session about the trekking expedition.
  • Dinner at a local restaurant.
  • Overnight stay in Paro.

Day 2: Paro – Shana (Start of Trek)

  • After breakfast, drive to Shana, the starting point of the Snowman Trek.
  • Begin the trekking expedition, following the Paro River through forests of pine and oak.
  • Camp overnight at Shana.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Shana.

Day 3: Shana – Thangthangkha

  • After breakfast, continue trekking towards Thangthangkha.
  • Trek through lush valleys and rhododendron forests.
  • Encounter views of snow-capped peaks along the way.
  • Camp overnight at Thangthangkha.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Thangthangkha.

Day 4: Thangthangkha – Jangothang

  • After breakfast, trek towards Jangothang.
  • Pass through yak herder camps and alpine meadows.
  • Enjoy stunning views of Mount Jomolhari.
  • Camp overnight at Jangothang.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Jangothang.

Day 5: Jangothang (Acclimatization Day)

  • Spend the day at Jangothang for acclimatization.
  • Explore the surrounding area and enjoy panoramic views of the Himalayas.
  • Optional day hike to nearby viewpoints.
  • Camp overnight at Jangothang.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Jangothang.

Day 6: Jangothang – Lingshi

  • After breakfast, trek towards Lingshi.
  • Cross Nyele La Pass (4,890 meters) and encounter breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Descend to the Lingshi Valley and camp overnight.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Lingshi.

Day 7: Lingshi (Rest Day)

  • Spend the day at Lingshi for rest and acclimatization.
  • Explore the Lingshi Dzong and nearby monasteries.
  • Interact with local villagers and experience traditional Bhutanese hospitality.
  • Camp overnight at Lingshi.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Lingshi.

Day 8: Lingshi – Chebisa

  • After breakfast, continue trekking towards Chebisa.
  • Trek through alpine meadows and forests of juniper and rhododendron.
  • Pass by the Lingshi and Chebisa villages.
  • Camp overnight at Chebisa.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Chebisa.

Day 9: Chebisa – Shomuthang

  • After breakfast, trek towards Shomuthang.
  • Cross Gobu La Pass (4,440 meters) and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding peaks.
  • Descend to Shomuthang and camp overnight.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Shomuthang.

Day 10: Shomuthang – Robluthang

  • After breakfast, continue trekking towards Robluthang.
  • Cross Jare La Pass (4,840 meters) and encounter stunning views of the snow-capped mountains.
  • Descend to Robluthang and camp overnight.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Robluthang.

Day 11: Robluthang – Limithang

  • After breakfast, trek towards Limithang.
  • Cross Shinge La Pass (5,000 meters), the highest point of the trek.
  • Descend to Limithang and camp overnight.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Limithang.

Day 12: Limithang – Laya

  • After breakfast, continue trekking towards Laya.
  • Pass through rhododendron forests and alpine meadows.
  • Arrive at Laya village, one of the highest settlements in Bhutan.
  • Camp overnight at Laya.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Laya.

Day 13: Laya (Rest Day)

  • Spend the day at Laya for rest and acclimatization.
  • Explore the Laya village and interact with the local Layap people.
  • Experience traditional Bhutanese culture and hospitality.
  • Camp overnight at Laya.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Laya.

Day 14: Laya – Rodophu

  • After breakfast, trek towards Rodophu.
  • Pass through high-altitude terrain and remote wilderness.
  • Encounter rare wildlife such as snow leopards and Himalayan blue sheep.
  • Camp overnight at Rodophu.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Rodophu.

Day 15: Rodophu – Narethang

  • After breakfast, continue trekking towards Narethang.
  • Cross Tsemo La Pass (4,900 meters) and enjoy panoramic views of the Himalayas.
  • Descend to Narethang and camp overnight.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Narethang.

Day 16: Narethang – Tarina

  • After breakfast, trek towards Tarina.
  • Pass through pristine alpine valleys and ancient forests.
  • Camp overnight at Tarina.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Tarina.

Day 17: Tarina – Woche

  • After breakfast, continue trekking towards Woche.
  • Trek through lush forests and meadows.
  • Arrive at Woche village and camp overnight.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Woche.

Day 18: Woche – Lhedi

  • After breakfast, trek towards Lhedi.
  • Pass through remote villages and nomadic settlements.
  • Experience traditional Bhutanese culture and hospitality.
  • Camp overnight at Lhedi.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Lhedi.

Day 19: Lhedi – Thanza

  • After breakfast, continue trekking towards Thanza.
  • Trek through pristine wilderness and high-altitude terrain.
  • Arrive at Thanza village, surrounded by towering peaks.
  • Camp overnight at Thanza.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Thanza.

Day 20: Thanza (Rest Day)

  • Spend the day at Thanza for rest and acclimatization.
  • Explore the Thanza village and nearby monasteries.
  • Enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Camp overnight at Thanza.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Thanza.

Day 21: Thanza – Tshochena

  • After breakfast, trek towards Tshochena.
  • Cross the Karakachu La Pass (5,080 meters) and encounter stunning views of the Himalayas.
  • Descend to Tshochena and camp overnight.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Tshochena.

Day 22: Tshochena – Jichu Dramo

  • After breakfast, continue trekking towards Jichu Dramo.
  • Cross the Jaze La Pass (5,050 meters) and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding peaks.
  • Descend to Jichu Dramo and camp overnight.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Jichu Dramo.

Day 23: Jichu Dramo – Chukarpo

  • After breakfast, trek towards Chukarpo.
  • Pass through high-altitude terrain and rugged landscapes.
  • Camp overnight at Chukarpo.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Chukarpo.

Day 24: Chukarpo – Thampe Tsho

  • After breakfast, continue trekking towards Thampe Tsho.
  • Descend through alpine meadows and forests.
  • Arrive at Thampe Tsho and camp overnight.
  • Dinner and overnight camping at Thampe Tsho.

Day 25: Thampe Tsho – Bumthang (End of Trek)

  • After breakfast, trek downhill towards Bumthang.
  • Pass through remote villages and pristine landscapes.
  • Arrive in Bumthang and celebrate the completion of the Snowman Trek.
  • Dinner and overnight stay in Bumthang.

Day 26: Bumthang – Paro

  • After breakfast, drive back to Paro.
  • Visit cultural attractions in Paro such as Kyichu Lhakhang and Rinpung Dzong.
  • Farewell dinner at a local restaurant.
  • Overnight stay in Paro.

Day 27: Departure from Paro

  • After breakfast, transfer to Paro International Airport for your onward journey.
  • End of the Snowman Trek – The Ultimate Himalayan Challenge.

Please note that this itinerary is subject to change based on weather conditions, trekking conditions, and the group’s pace. Additionally, it’s essential to be adequately prepared for strenuous-level trekking, including having appropriate gear, physical fitness, and acclimatization.