8 Days
7 Nights
Customized Tour

This is a customized classic tour to Bhutan to know the Bhutanese. This tour is designed to get an in depth understanding of Bhutan’s culture, arts & handicrafts, religion, GNH philosophy, democracy a gift from the Throne, festivals & day to day life in the urban & villages so on so forth…

Detailed Itinerary:

Day 01:

Your arrival to Paro by Druk Air/ Bhutan Airline. In the flight you can see if the sky is clear the Himalayan ranges conspicuously magnificent Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga & Mt Jumolhari. Upon arrival in Paro, the immigration & customs clear & exit from airport where our representatives will receive & welcome you with white scarfs to greet Tashi Delek

Drive to Hotel for Check In & to freshen up : you will embark on a shot hike in the vicinity to acclimatize & familiarize surroundings. You will gather at 5-6 PM in the hotel for one hour cultural program (mask dances & folk dances) Refreshments will be served during the entertainment time. Thereafter dinner & next day program briefina…retreat to Rooms for a peaceful sleep.

Day 02: after breakfast

Today we drive to the road head & Hike to Taktsang Monastery “Tiger Nest”. This magical monastery is 701 m above the valley floor. In 747 AD Guru Rinpoche (Pedma Sambhava )believed to have arrived on the back of a Tiger to this site to subdue the evil spirit in the region. It takes little over one hour to reach the site Tea House from where a beautiful panoramic view of Paro & the Tiger Nest can be seen. Those who can walk further to visit temple takes 30 minutes to visit inside temple to pray & make little offerings…after return to base: you will drive to Drugyal Dzong “victorious Fort” where the Tibetan invaders were defeated in the battle….visit the most auspicious 7 th century Kichu Temple….thereafter back to Hotel for your Lunch Break.

After lunch visit the National Museum of Bhutan which houses important ancient artifacts & religions items. Next visit the Paro Dzong built in 16 th century. There are about 600 monks & it is also the administrative center for the civil governor & district Judge. Rest of the afternoon spent in town to buy survivors & mingle with local people….return to hotel ..dinner & rest.

Day 03: after break fast drive to Punakha

On the way visit Simtokha Dzong, oldest Fort built in 1629 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (man who United Bhutan). This fort was built on the top of a subdued demon by Shabdrung. Presently this fort serves as the center for

Next Dochola pass 3300m you could see in a good weather the Bhutan’s 300 km Eastern Himalayas, perfect place to take pictures.. the 108 stupas is also located here built as a reminder of the 4 th King who led successful operation against the Indian militants in 2003. … beyond Dochola Pass, we arrive at Menchuna Restaurant for Lunch pure Bhutanese dishes prepared for you. The owner is a family friend and has the best Thangka paintings & best embroidery with special discount prices for BSTT guests.

Arrive Lobesa (located cross road to Punakha & Wangdue ) check In Hotel &.. freshen up

Short walk between the paddy fields to visit auspicious Chemi Lhakhang the fertility temple built in 1499 by Lam Ngawang Chogyal on the spot where his cousin Lam Drukpa Kuenley (popularly known as “the Devine Madman” who subdued a powerful demon. It is believed that any couple who who did not conceive desires to get a child may be blessed with one after special prayers offerings…miraculously many couples were blessed with first child after so many years of their marriages without a child…..hike around the villages road side vegetable vendors

Return to hotel dinner & bonfire…Rest

Day 04:

Drive to Punakha Dzong the Palace of Great Bliss. It Is 1300m/4265ft. Punakha was the old capital of Bhutan during the time of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal the founder of Bhutan. Today, it is the administrative & religious center of the district( Dzongkhag) & the winter home of the Bhutan’s Central Monk Body & the Head Abbot. The Dzong is in between pho Chu (male) & Mo Chou (female) river)

Punakha Dromchey ( monk dances, festivals) is very historic depiction of the battles fought with Tibetans during the times of Zhabdrung.. (to witness this festivals you may have to make three months in advance booking) three days festivals…it is held once in a year very sacred and glorifying celebration events to the Bhutanese.

Lunch at the river side as a picnic… thereafter drive to Wangdue Dzong a newly conscercreted after it was arsoned in 2010. This Dzong now has all the modern fire safety features to combat any future fire mishaps.. The local deity is known as Sha Ge Radap. People here are calledSha Dhar Gaye composed of 15 sub blocks called Gewogs. It stretches from 800m- 5800m above sea level. Hydroelectric project Punatsang Chhu 1& 2 are located in this District of 1200MW is under construction. You will visit the dam sites…The wangdue Festival falls sometime in the month of September every year (make your booking before hand to witness) its for three days…)

Option one & Two

Day 05:

Option One: Drive to Sha Khodakha (3hrs) beautiful valley & home to black naked cranes in winter months…stay in tents campingaccommodations..bonfire..dinner & rest

Morning drive to Rinchenling Shedra (Buddhist school) & Doleykha monastery…hike down hill submerge in the valley to see the farm houses & intermingle with the villages..take pictures of black naked cranes

After lunch return to Thimphu … hotel check in & rest

Day 05:

Option Two: drive to Baylangdra Monastry ( 2hrs -30 minutes) This site is known for its ancient Guru Rinpoches’s blessed religious sites. HH kathok Situ Rinpoche has built temples basedon the prophecy of his root teacher Kjabje Jatrel Rinpoche…. night halt in farm house home stay accommodations..bonfire dinner &rest

Morning hike around the villages & visit caves & temples…

After lunch drive back to Thimphu …check in & rest

Day 06:

Visit Tashi Chhodzong the HQ Administration Center of Bhutan since 1952. Thimphu is 2320m. The population is approximately 120000/ people. It houses the King’s Chamber & residence of the Central Monk Body. The hoisting / retreat of the National Flag-in the morning and evening are interesting to watch…. drive to National Assembly to see the parliament & if lucky to witness National Assembly in secession held twice in a year. The office of the foreign ministry is in the same building…. The First Democratic election was held in 2008 as a gift from the Throne by the 4th King Jigme Singye Wangchuck of Bhutan.

Visit the National Animal Takin Reserve, this animal is believed to be cross breed of a goat & a buffalo.. drive to Sangay Gang view point to see the beautiful panoramic view of Thimphu…return to hotel for Lunch & break…

After lunch visit

Visit Memorial Stupa built in 1974 to honor the 3 rd King of Bhutan, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck. In this landmark stupa, you will witness the local people & tourists circumambulating with prayer beads & prayer wheel in hand day & night enchanting prayers for peace & prosperity…visit National Library established in 1967 but moved to present library in 1984. It houses the world’s biggest published book that weighs 68 kilograms & about 02 meters in height.

Visit Folk Heritage Museum to gain an insight into the culture & traditional lifestyle of the Bhutanese in olden days…

Visit Buddha Dordenma the largest statue of 169 feet tall. The inside body of the statue is filled with 125000/ smaller Buddha statues. The view of the Thimphu valley is spectacular & you will feel that you are in Shangrila: Blessed & Peaceful heaven on Earth.

You will spend the rest of the time browsing through the handcraft Lane & Town to buy souvenirs & intermingling with locals…

Return to Hotel at around 7pm for Dinner with government officials & friends to exchange view points….make friends A Good Night & Peaceful Rest

Day 07:

Drive to the base & Hike up to Tango Cheri : Shabdrung Rinpoche founder of Drukpa Kajug Buddhist Mahayana Lineage meditation & resting place.

Day 08 : Departure from Paro Air Port

After breakfast drive to Paro Air Port to fly back to your home city.

Tashi Delek & Thank you